Author: Annalisa
Tracing to the famous Jellabiet Feysul of Abbas Pash - a Kuhaylah 'Ajuz of Ibn Jallab (or Kuhaylah Jallabiyah) of the strain from the 'Ajman, obtained from Muhammad Ibn Khalifah of Bahrain and imported c1846 to Egypt for Abbas Pasha by Faysal Ibn Turki al-Sa'ud. Also called Wazira/Waziria. He was the sire of Bint Sabbah, Bint Samiha, Fardous and Zareefa making him the grand sire of *Bint Bint Sabbah, Sheikh El Arab, Bukra,Samha, Nazeer, Shams, El Sareei, Maisa, Elwya.
Tracing to the famous Jellabiet Feysul of Abbas Pash - a Kuhaylah 'Ajuz of Ibn Jallab (or Kuhaylah Jallabiyah) of the strain from the 'Ajman, obtained from Muhammad Ibn Khalifah of Bahrain and imported c1846 to Egypt for Abbas Pasha by Faysal Ibn Turki al-Sa'ud. Also called Wazira/Waziria. He was the sire of Bint Sabbah, Bint Samiha, Fardous and Zareefa making him the grand sire of *Bint Bint Sabbah, Sheikh El Arab, Bukra,Samha, Nazeer, Shams, El Sareei, Maisa, Elwya.